What’s the deal with Non-Contact Drives? (ZA1)

Home - Zytec Academy - Cursussen - What’s the deal with Non-Contact Drives? (ZA1)

In this series of courses you’ll learn all the specific basics for working with Non-Contact drives:


  • ZA-1.1 General Introduction Zytec Magnetic Couplings for Executives
  • ZA-1.2 General Introduction Zytec Magnetic Couplings for Sales
  • ZA-1.3 Sales Engineering and the making of a business case


ZA-1.0 General Introduction to Non-Contact Drives

This course is designed for anyone involved in any way with manufacturing processes in industry.
During the course, many facets of the technology in general will be highlighted, and you will gain an understanding of the major positive impact it has on a company’s operations.

Duration: 8 hours.
Level: General


ZA-1.1 General Introduction to Non-Contact Drives for Executives

This course provides a general overview of the technology and the benefits it offers users. It specifically discusses the total cost of ownership, the benefits to one’s operation, and how to successfully implement it.

Duration: 4 hours.
Level: Senior Management, Policy & Strategy


ZA-1.2 General Introduction to Non-Contact Drives for Sales Engineers and Account Managers

This course covers all the facets and benefits of non-contact drives to the customer. In particular, it covers the sales process.

Duration: 4 hours.
Level: Good basic general knowledge of industrial installations and rotating equipment with an understanding of customer operations.


ZA-1.3 Create a Business Case

This course is divided into two parts. The first part covers all the technical and business aspects of the non-contact drive technology. You’ll learn how to translate and describe them in terms of total cost of ownership savings for the customer. The second part consists of a workshop in which a concise business case is created based on an assignment.

Duration: 8 hours.
Level: ZA-1.2


Gelderlandhaven 7c
3433 PG Nieuwegein
The Netherlands

Telefoon: 085 080 4060

Mail: info@zytec.eu

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